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Oil Free vs Oil Filled Radiator: Which Should You Choose?

James Halderthay
September 3, 2018
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oil filled radiator

Are you in the midst of an electric radiator hunt? An efficient radiator is undeniably a pivotal part of every cosy home. If you’re looking for a new radiator, you’ll likely wonder whether to choose oil free or oil filled.

Which is best: oil filled or oil free radiators? Wondering about their benefits? We’re here to answer your questions. Read on, and you’ll know which one is right for your home by the end!

But don’t worry! We’ve got you covered. Let’s delve deep into the world of radiators and learn which one is right for your snug sanctuary.

Understanding the Basics

Before we delve into the nitty-gritty comparisons, it’s essential to understand what we’re talking about. Electric radiators, regardless of type, work by converting electrical energy into heat. The primary difference between the two lies in the medium they use to distribute this heat.

  • Oil Filled Radiators: Manufacturers fill these devices with a special thermal oil. When you switch on the radiator, the oil heats up, circulates inside the unit, and spreads warmth to the surrounding area.
  • Oil Free Radiators (Dry Radiators): These do not use any oil. Instead, they often use a combination of ceramic, aluminium, or other materials to generate and spread heat.

How Does an Oil Filled Radiator Work?

These types of radiators combine electrical elements with thermodynamic oil. The electrical elements heat the oil. Once warmed, the oil circulates through the rest of the radiator, heating the metal walls.

The process of radiation takes the heat from the radiator walls and spreads it throughout the room. Here’s how the process works.

When the air comes in contact with the radiator, it gets heated. This warm air rises, making the cooler air settle at the bottom. As the warm air keeps rising, the cooler air heats up, warming the entire room.

Picture it this way: the air near the radiator gets all toasty, rises, and the cooler air takes its place to get warmed. This cycle continues until the whole room basks in a comforting warmth.

How Does an Oil Free Radiator Work?

Oil free radiators, also known as dry electric radiators, work almost like oil filled radiators, but without using any oil.

Instead, they employ advanced thermal components, like ceramic stone or aluminium. Just like their oil-filled counterparts, they use radiation and convection to warm up the room. Over time, the whole room warms up. Truly, it’s heating technology at its finest!

Benefits of an Oil Filled Radiator

While oil-filled radiators and dry radiators both heat your rooms, they come with their own advantages and disadvantages. Knowing these will help you pick the radiator that fits your home needs.

Here’s a list of the best benefits of oil filled radiators.

Better Heat Retention

The oil inside these radiators retains heat better than dry radiators. Once they warm up, they stay warmer for longer periods of time. Because of this, they don’t work as hard as other radiators to heat your home. This can save you some money on your energy bill.

Oil-filled radiators turn off when the room reaches the desired temperature. But even after they’ve stopped heating up, the room will stay warm for a time. This makes oil-filled radiators good choices for large rooms or rooms your family uses a lot.

Even Distribution of Heat

Some types of heating technology, like central heating, can leave cold spots in the room. Oil filled radiators don’t do this. The warm oil spreads over the entire surface of the radiators. In other words, the radiator heats the air inside the room in an even and uniform way.


You won’t ever have to replace the oil inside your radiator. In fact, you don’t have to do any maintenance at all. This makes oil-filled radiators self-sustainable.

Benefits of an Oil Free Radiator

Oil-free or dry radiators are safer than oil-filled radiators because they don’t contain any oil at all. There’s no risk of the oil leaking or the radiator rupturing. Both can severely damage your home, and in extreme cases, endanger you and your loved ones.

Here’s a quick look at some of the other benefits that come with oil free radiators.

Easy to Use

Oil free radiators don’t make any noise when they run. This means you can switch them on without disturbing your chats, movie time, or naps.

These radiators are also lighter than most other radiators. If you’re looking for portability, you can easily shift dry radiators between rooms.

Warms up Fast

Since dry radiators don’t rely on oil to heat up, they warm the room faster than other heating methods. They also cool back down faster than oil filled radiators.

This makes it easy to control the exact heat in your room.

If you want the space a little warmer, you can adjust the heat and feel the difference immediately. The same goes for making the room cooler when you get hot. Oil-free radiators are faster and easier to use than their counterparts.

Good for High Ceilings

The aluminium and ceramic stone inside oil-free radiators make the heating process faster and more efficient than oil-filled radiators. Because of this, dry radiators are ideal for large spaces. This includes homes with high ceilings, open floor plans, and stairwells.

Environmentally Friendly

Dry radiators don’t use any oils or other substances that harm the environment. Instead, they use electricity to warm up the air around them. This makes them an eco-friendly choice for environmentally-aware families.

Are Oil Filled Radiators Efficient?

Efficiency is a crucial factor for many. Oil-filled radiators excel at retaining heat. The thermal oil inside helps maintain warmth, ensuring a comfortable environment for longer. But, as previously noted, they might take a bit longer to initially warm up [^1^].

Which is Cheaper To Run?

When budgeting for a new radiator, consider not only the upfront cost but also the ongoing expenses. Let’s break it down:

Initial Purchase Price: Oil-filled radiators might often be more affordable at the outset, but this can change depending on brand, size, and features.

Running Costs: Due to their quick heating feature, oil-free radiators could save you more on electricity over time.

Maintenance Costs: With no oil involved, oil free radiators typically have fewer maintenance worries.

However, it’s worth noting that the efficiency of a radiator also depends on its usage. For example, radiators in large rooms might consume more energy, irrespective of their type.

Which Radiator is Right for My Home?

Your home’s design, your preferences, and your budget all play a role in this decision. However, if speed, efficiency, and safety are top priorities, an oil free radiator often has the edge. It offers rapid heating, precise temperature control, and is especially apt for homes with large rooms or high ceilings. It gives you complete control of the exact temperature, and it’s a lot safer than oil filled radiators.

Which is Better for Larger Spaces?

For large rooms, it’s essential to have a radiator that can efficiently heat the entire space.

While both types can be effective, oil free radiators, with their quick heating capabilities, might be slightly more advantageous in rapidly bringing the room to a comfortable temperature.


In the debate of oil free vs oil filled radiator, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Your choice should hinge on your specific needs, budget, and the room’s size. Whether you lean towards the consistent warmth of an oil filled radiator or the quick heat and environmental benefits of an oil free one, ensure you’re making an informed decision.

Are you getting ready to install a new electric radiator but aren’t sure where to put it? Take a look at this guide to find out the best place for your electric radiator.

Happy heating!

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