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Getting Prepared for Autumn – Electric Radiator Heating Tips

James Halderthay
July 17, 2017
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Whilst we never want ‘The Great British Summer’ to end, when it comes to saving money on your energy bills, it’s worth looking ahead and having a plan for Autumn. Autumn days can be as hot as a day in July, or chilly as a day in November. Being prepared means you can keep warmer without having the heating on full all the time. We share some easy to implement tips to keep cosy in Autumn.

Make the Most of the Sun

South facing windows are ideal for bringing some extra heat into your home. Whilst it may be tempting to pull the curtain across, this will block the heat out from your rooms. Keep the curtains open during the day and close them at night to keep the heat from the day trapped in.

Have a Crafty Afternoon and Make Some Rice Bags

Rice bags are the ideal way to keep your hands warm, as well as relieve a sore muscle. You don’t need any advanced sewing skills to make a cosy rice bag. Odd socks, old clothing makes the perfect fabric for a rice bag. Simply fill a sock with uncooked dry rice and either tie a knot in the top or sew shut with small stitches. Heat the rice bag in the microwave for a couple of minutes, checking periodically to ensure it doesn’t smoke. Cuddle up to enjoy warmth, and when it’s cool, simply heat to use again.

Cover Any Obvious Draughts

Ever heard a faint whistle in your living room or hallway on a windy night? This is most likely a small crack allowing cold air into your house. Older houses can lose a lot of heat easily, especially around the windows and door frames. You can easily combat this by putting curtains over your doors and windows and filling any obvious cracks with plaster. You can buy easy to install sealant around your door frames which can be easily removed.

Change Energy Company For a Better Deal

There are many energy companies with great deals for new customers. If you’re preparing to keep your home as well insulated as possible, then changing energy supplier could save you a  lot of money over the colder months.

Consider Using Electric Radiators To ‘Top’ Up Heat

Electric radiators have come on leaps and bounds in the last few years, making them a great solution for homeowners and renters. They are a great alternative to firing up the gas boiler to heat for a few hours. Replacing a whole heating system is a time-consuming task and expensive, whereas electric radiators can be installed easily and start working right away.

The key features of an electric radiator include heat sensing, so when a room dips below a set temperature, it will heat the room until it has reached a set level. This is an effective way of managing the heat in each room of your home without needing to manually turn heaters on or off.

Get prepared for autumn early and you’ll be set with good habits for the colder winter months.



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